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Published on 18/12/16

After an initial whole school introduction to this year’s theme for Anti-Bullying Week, ‘Power for Good’, each year group spent time discussing what it means and how we can keep this important message at the heart of relationships in school all the year round.

In Year 3 a range of interactive activities helped the children to gain a greater understanding of what bullying is and the effect it can have on others. Together they grappled with varying scenarios and thoughtfully discussed ways in which they could respond if someone was being rude or mean towards them or if they were being bullied. The children came up with some excellent suggestions as to what they could do and how they might react in a positive way. We all have the power to make or break somebody's day by what we say or how we make them feel. So, we have been thinking about how our words, gestures and actions can spread positive feelings to others. Over the next few days the children will be getting creative by designing posters, booklets and models to show how they can use their ‘Power for Good’. We look forward to seeing the results early next week.

Meanwhile, Year 4 focused on using their 'Power for Good' with their words. They thought about the diversity in each class and celebrated the fact that their differences make them special and unique. They talked about how their words can have a positive or negative effect on those around them and used the saying, 'think before you speak' to help them concentrate on when careless and thoughtless words can hurt others. They decided they liked receiving compliments so wrote compliments for each person in the class, trying to focus on one another’s personality and talents rather than just their appearance. The children were pleased with the compliments and encouragement they received, and went on to designing posters helping them to remember the power of their words and to use these for good.

Year 5 pupils listened to and discussed the ‘Power For Good’ presentation and then thought about what rude, mean and bullying behaviour might look like. They then discussed the importance of being kind and looked at the 'Choose Kind' campaign which was inspired by 'Wonder', their class reader.

Year 6 students logged into Google Classroom and accessed resources specifically designed for Anti-Bullying Week. Having watched these, they made comments about what they could do to prevent bullying in our community. Here are a selection.

Try hard to think about things before you say them and try to look around for a lone person. Lara and Ava

Most bullies only bully because they feel insecure or have been bullied themselves. Julia and Joséphine

Stand up for others and help raise awareness of bullying, the more people that know about it the less people will do it. Everyone knows how horrible it feels. Sarina and Milly

Treat everyone as you want to be treated and don't be afraid to tell an adult if you are being bullied. Tessa and Anabel