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Published on 30/11/17

Marina Ristuccia and Kai Singh from 10G give their take on the latest 'Inspire and Guide' talk from guest speaker and Style Coach Lucy Barrett.

"The Inspire and Guide programme has once again brought us an excitingly individual speaker. Lucy Barrett gave us an insight into what life can be like as a style coach.

"Ms Barrett broadened our horizons and explained an innovative work concept which combined two fields of work. This helped us to see that a career is not always confined to one traditionally academic field.

"Ms Barrett is self-employed and explained to us that as she does not work for a company she is in charge of her own time. Her work includes a wide variety of aspects from life coaching to clothes shopping with her clients. She seemed to genuinely enjoy her work and was passionate about the effects of what we wear in everyday life.

"Ms Barrett explained the practicalities of her work such as "doing someone's colours" and helping clients reorganise their wardrobes. She emphasised the importance of what we wear and how it relates to our self-confidence. We felt that this talk was particularly eye-opening as it illustrated the vast range of career paths we could pursue in the future."

The Inspire and Guide programme is part of our learning toolkit, helping us prepare young people for life beyond school and exams, considering all possible futures ahead of them. These talks run for Y10 and Y11 throughout the school year, and feature engaging speakers who share their fascinating careers and life stories, inspiring students to think differently.