Published on 26/04/18
Leading autism expert Simon Baron-Cohen talks to the Stephen Perse Foundation about his latest research.
We were very privileged to welcome Professor Simon Baron-Cohen to the 6th Form College on Wednesday 25 April.
Professor Baren-Cohen is Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Cambridge, Director of the Autism Research Centre, and a Fellow of Trinity College. He spoke to a large audience of school students, parents and staff on the subject of his current research into extreme families in which several members have been diagnosed with autism. These highly unusual families are able to shed light into the genetic predisposition to autistic conditions and the ways in which they may or may not be passed onto future generations.
Professor Baron-Cohen gave an overview of other factors which are known to influence autism and the characteristic behaviours which would be observable in children with the condition. In addition, he gave some interesting insight into the different ways in which autism can manifest itself in each gender, as well as the ways in which autistic behaviours may be “camouflaged” by strategies that a child has learned to use in order to cope with their situation.
The talk was followed by a very stimulating Q&A session in which lots of fascinating areas of this very complex condition were explored.
We are very grateful to Professor Baron-Cohen for his visit, and encourage you to follow his research journey on Twitter @sbaroncohen. You can also understand more about autism itself through the National Autistic Society.