Published on 23/07/17
China Trip 2017 - Day 7
We began our day by going to school to attend lessons. It takes 30 min to go from the hotel to the school. Our first lesson was learning how to greet someone in different ways and getting to know each other in Chinese, which was really interesting.
We then proceeded to play some traditional Chinese games and sing a song in Chinese, which we all found really fun. At breaktime, we had bread and milky snacks and later started our traditional Chinese paper cutting lesson. By listening carefully to the instructions and perfecting our techniqure using symmetry, we managed to cut out big butterflies, stick them onto paper and stamp them with our names. All of us managed to produce beautiful and different designs. Afterwards, we had lunch and later met our host families. Maisie, Vanessa and I had a lovely girl called Olivia, who we connected with instantly.
She was very nice and caring, and her house was also very nice ! We went to the mall, however most of us had spent all of out money at the Pearl Market so we bought little accessories. Olivia also treated us to a traditional Chinese snack, one that we hadn't tried before and it was delicious. We made our way to her house where we had a lovely dinner cooked by her mum. Her mum is an amazing cook and we all enjoyed the meal very much. Sadly after we had to say goodbye as we return to the hotel. Overall it was a great day !
Karina T.