Published on 26/06/18
Year 4 residential adventure trip to Bushcraft, Kent
From Wednesday 20th to Friday 22nd June, Year 4 pupils went on their first residential trip to Bushcraft in Penshurst, Kent. Pupils had a fantastic time as they experienced the outdoors, sleeping in tents, cooking over fires and exploring the forest.
Whilst on the trip, pupils learnt key skills such as shelter building, first aid, how to protect and preserve the environment and making survival bracelets. One of the many highlights for the pupils was camouflage and concealment, where not being seen was the priority, followed by playing games in the woods. The pupils were excellent throughout the trip and working brilliantly together, supporting each other and collaborating in their tribes.
A huge ‘thank you’ must go to the Bushcraft team on our camp who looked after us so well and delivered fantastic activities and taught us so much. They also very importantly made sure we were well fed during our stay.