Published on 23/08/22
Finishing Year 6 and transitioning into Year 7 was definitely scary and I didn’t know what I was expecting, but I realise now that everything that I had been imagining about my first weeks at Senior School were all completely fulfilled! I noticed, even in my first few days, how the school radiates warmth and welcoming arms and I am so grateful for it.
I had transitioned with some of my friends from Year 6, but building my friendship support group wasn’t a difficult task. I can assure anyone transitioning to Year 7 there are more ways to find your friends other than the playground, which I found an intimidating space when I first came here but have now grown to love, like the classroom, sports fixtures and club activities! No one has stayed permanently in the same friendships and in every class you’ll find one really good friend, you can always rely on.
My favourite classes, in my opinion, are art, maths, history, English, music, chemistry, biology and Spanish. Each class is interesting and fun and I found myself learning something different and new each lesson! I’m not always a student that engages with the lesson much, but I’ve learnt that trying doesn’t hurt and I should try and engage as much as possible.
My experience of the Year 7 ‘Tales of Oscar Wilde’ production will be one I will never forget. I rehearsed with lots of friends and when it all came together we realised all the many hours rehearsing were worth it! It looked beautiful at the end and we all put so much work in together.