Published on 14/06/22
Last term 3A certainly had a mammoth few weeks as they explored their thematic topic 'Scavengers to Settlers'. Their Assembly showcased so much of their learning.
Critical thinking skills were put to the test as 3A considered why people from the past built Stonehenge. 3A possibly experienced every emotion that these early pioneers went through, as they tried to recreate this iconic structure in biscuit form.
Woolly mammoths were washed in creative writing lessons and we heard detailed explanations that the children wrote themselves on 'How to Keep a Prehistoric Pet.' And how could we forget the whole class ‘Rubbish’ poem!
Survival skills were tested and honed through Minecraft and rap skills were polished to learn about the rock cycle in science lessons.
With its thatched roundhouse and native woodlands, the Year 3 trip to Celtic Harmony was truly an immersive experience and if all this was not enough... we were thrilled and relieved to see that the Milk Bottle Mammoths were safely transported, from the wild, to a safe place of sanctuary on the Year 3 Collaboration Day.
Junior School Fitzwilliam Building Open Day – 24 September – Click here and book your place.