Published on 26/10/22
We are delighted to announce that Georgia (Oriel College) and Nadia (Pembroke College) have been successful in the recent Oxford choral scholarship trials.
The prestigious choral scholarships are awarded by some of the chapel choirs of Oxford and Cambridge universities, to students who will join the choirs and sing regular services. Choral scholars experience a variety of benefits in addition to the honour of the award - this could include singing lessons, music tours, and free dinner after chapel! Students at the Stephen Perse Foundation have a long tradition of successfully gaining choral scholarships to these (and other) universities. As a school without a chapel, the music department aims to give students in our choirs experience of singing in services and understanding what is involved in becoming a choral scholar. This happens via various means; during their time in choir, students are likely to sing a joint evensong service with a Cambridge college choir (most recently at St John’s, pictured), singing our own services in college chapels and at Great St Mary’s, and preparation sessions and advice for auditions. We wish both students well with the next stages of their applications to Oxford University.