Published on 25/01/24
Over the course of the autumn term, all students in Years 7 and 8 were given the opportunity to select a free book of their choice as part of the Book Buzz programme that we have successfully piloted here at the Senior School Library.
Overwhelmingly, the majority of our students in Years 7 and 8 selected Jennifer Killick’s Dread Wood, as their BookBuzz ‘Book of Choice’, which meant that as a culmination of the BookBuzz programme; students were afforded the special opportunity of seeing Jennifer live streamed into their Form Groups during Form Time.
Students were able to ask Jennifer lots of questions about her work with many of our students coming away from the virtual event feeling motivated as Jennifer ‘talked through her creative process’, and how she inspired some of our very own budding writers to ‘feel confident to write a good, strong story!’
Since Jennifer’s visit, the Years 7 and 8 across the Senior School have been buzzing alight with lots of visits to the Senior Library in search of the rest of the Dread Wood series, with lots of book requests flowing through our inboxes as our students continued to be inspired in wanting to read more of Jennifer’s stellar body of work.
Slightly focusing the spotlight away from our literary events, the Senior School Library has also become a buzzing hub of extracurricular enrichment activities from where we run some of our most popular after-school clubs.
Each Thursday after school, students are given the opportunity to rock up to Doodle Club, where students across all year groups are read to by a member of staff whilst they have the opportunity to wind down from the rigours of the school day and partake in various activities involving sparse blank pieces of paper and an array of bright colour pens for students to wander away with the magic might of their colouring pens!
Each Friday after school, students are also given the opportunity to rock up to Chess Club where students across all year groups are able to challenge one another to a game of chess. Chess Club in the Senior Library has quickly become one of the most exciting places to be on a Friday after school, and our students are absolutely focused on honing their chess skills whilst engaging with their fellow students across different year groups.