We accept Childcare Vouchers for:
- Late stay
- School fees for pupils up to, and including, the term they turn five
Unfortunately we are not able to accept vouchers towards the cost of school trips.
Childcare Vouchers can be obtained from your employer through salary sacrifice (up to £243 savings per month in income tax and NI contributions) towards the payment of childcare - if their employer offers this benefit. Childcare Voucher schemes are operated by employers, not by the school*.
Your employer makes the deduction from your salary to your nominated Childcare Voucher provider and you then instruct this provider to make payments to our school on a monthly or termly basis.
Please contact your employer for more information.
*there is legislation in place to replace childcare vouchers with Tax-free Childcare on 4 October 2018, after which date new childcare voucher arrangements will not be possible.
Current regulations
Guidelines for accepting Childcare Vouchers are as follows:
- The tax legislation defines 'care' as "any form of care or supervised activity that is not provided the course of a child's compulsory education".
- The care takes place on premises that are covered by the school inspection;
- The care takes place outside of normal school hours, i.e. hours allocated to the provision of compulsory education;
- The charge for the care does not include any charges relating to the child's compulsory education.
The distinction between the child's compulsory education and other activities is an important one, since the former is not qualifying childcare.
For more information, contact us.