Across Dame Bradbury's our clubs and activities help children to gain new skills, discover new interests and to find new friends.
Clubs are held before school, during lunch and after school. They offer a chance to push boundaries and explore more activities than we can cram into a normal school day.
A typical range of clubs and activities might include:
- Football skills
- Mini tennis
- Running
- Multi-sports skills
- Badminton
- Cricket
- Girls’ Football
- Hockey mixed
- Netball
- Rugby
Art and craft
- Art and craft
- Structured Doodling
- Cross-stitch
- Fashion and Textiles
Performing arts
- Choir
- Ballet
- Drama
- Beginner violins
- Brass ensemble
- Rock band
- Cello group
- School chamber choir
- Choir
- Orchestra
- Wind band
- String group
- Spanish
- French
- Mandarin
- DT
- Extension maths
- Homework
- IT skills
- Science Investigation Challenge
- Eco-green
- Gardening
- Chess
- Patterns and Puzzles
- Chess
- Lego
Parent information
In the second half of each term a list of clubs is sent to parents for each year group from Year 1 upwards. Parents are asked to submit their child's preferences, and club allocation is confirmed before the start of the following term.
The majority of our clubs are free and are run by our teaching staff, but a small charge is levied for some of those which are run by specialist teachers and coaches.