Here's a flavour of clubs and activities which are available for Junior School pupils during, before and after school.
Our clubs provide opportunities to further existing interests and foster talents and the bonus is that everyone discovers completely new ways of spending free time, having fun and being challenged.
Most clubs are held on a weekly basis during lunch break or after school, others are held in the morning, either before lessons begin or during break, and a few are special ‘one-off’ events when pupils welcome a speaker into school or visit a nearby place of interest.
As the focus of some clubs is a music or drama performance or preparation for sports fixtures, attendance is compulsory for approximately a term, but pupils are encouraged to sample as many clubs as they like so attendance can be for a few sessions or on a ‘drop-in’ basis if there is no such focus.
School staff deliver the majority of our clubs, for which there is no charge; the remainder are delivered by external coaches, who charge on a termly basis. Clubs are generally open to pupils in one or two year groups but a few are open to all year groups.
These activities vary each term depending on pupil voice from school council where club ideas are raised and run. We aim to cover a range of skills to enable pupils to extend a current skill or try something new. Here are some examples of clubs that have run:
Be creative
- Art Club
- Challenge Club
- Design Engineering Clubs
- Knitting Club
- Photography Club
- Drama Clubs
Make music
- Aural Club
- Choirs
- Concert Band
- Jazz Band
- Rock Band
Get active
- Running Club
- Netball Clubs
- Hockey Clubs
- Football Clubs
- Cricket Clubs
- Tennis Clubs
- Gym Clubs
- Judo Club
- Fencing Club
- Scottish Dancing
Or something different...
- Science Clubs
- Chess Club
- History Club
- General Knowledge/Quiz Clubs
- Mindfulness
- Inspire Me Talks
- Mandarin Club
- Spanish Club
- Visits to Gardens and Museums