Through their study of RS and Philosophy at KS3, students explore each of the six major world religions, as well as some of the most important philosophical questions humans have asked. In doing so, they not only learn about people’s beliefs and how these beliefs affect the way in which they live their lives, but they also reflect upon their own beliefs and values. Students engage with some of the biggest questions about life itself – about the purpose of life, the nature and existence of God, and how we decide what is right and wrong - learning how to articulate and discuss ideas clearly and coherently.
Year 7
In Year 7, we begin our study of world religions by studying Hinduism, Judaism and Sikhism. This involves looking at how each religion started, its main teachings, its holy writings, its main places of worship, its festivals and rites of passage. We want to know what their followers believe, how those beliefs affect their lives and why they are important to them.
Year 8
In Year 8, we begin by studying Christianity, looking at the ‘big story’ of Christianity, the life and teaching of Jesus, as well as examining how Christian beliefs affect the lives of Christian believers. We then study Islam, with a particular focus on how the Five Pillars shape the beliefs and practices of Muslims. In the final term, we study Philosophy by exploring thought experiments, such as the ship of Theseus and the veil of ignorance.
Year 9
In Year 9, we begin by looking at the philosophical issues involved in the relationship between religion and science before considering key arguments for and against the existence of God. We then study Buddhism, considering the life of the Buddha, his key teachings and what Buddhism has to say about ethical issues, such as punishment. Finally, we study philosophical questions about the nature of humans and what makes certain actions right or wrong.
Year 8 students visiting Cambridge Central Mosque